Satellite clubs are extensions of community sports clubs which can offer a different sporting experience for young people.
They are different because they bring sport out to young people in very local venues and because they may attract young people who are not typically very sporty.
Satellite clubs are run by established sports clubs who bring their expertise and enthusiasm to local places where young people already meet. Together they create a satellite club that offers sport in the way that these young people want to receive it.
Who are satellite clubs for?
Satellite clubs are designed to attract a new audience to sports clubs. They are aimed at 11 to 25 year olds; the age range when many young people drop out of sport. They are not primarily aimed at the very sporty types, who are probably in your clubs already. Nor are they aimed at those who are very inactive and reluctant to take part. The audience for satellites is the large group of young people in the middle (estimated to be around 50% of young people).
If your club is interested in starting a satellite club, see below for how to get started.
Find some examples of how Satellite clubs have worked well in West Yorkshire here.
If you’re interested in starting a Satellite Club contact the Sport Development Officer for your area from the options below.